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The webinar will focus on how to effect change for cancer care and policy in Canada.
Two important elements of change are advocacy and lobbying. While advocacy drives leaders, grassroots movements, public awareness and support, and efforts to lobby the governments, lobbying requires a professional approach to influence governments so that they can relocate resources, and prioritize or develop public policies. In this webinar, speakers will talk about their motivation to advocate, and the practical and theoretical aspects of both the advocacy and lobbying on cancer.
Featured Panelists:
Dylan Buskermolen, is a Public Speaker & Health Advocate; Canadian Cancer Society – Advocacy team
Don Desserud, PhD. University of Prince Edward Island; CAPO Advocacy Committee
Kimberley Thibodeau, MSW, CFT. CUSM/MUHC Psychosocial Oncology Program; CAPO Advocacy Committee
Sevtap Savas, PhD. Memorial University of Newfoundland; CAPO Advocacy Committee
Webinar registration now open :
The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO)
189 Queen Street East, Suite 1 Toronto, ON M5A 1S2 P. 416-968-0207 [email protected]
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