• 16 May 2024 11:03 AM | Deleted user

    nullThe Current Oncology Student Travel Award is established by Current Oncology to acknowledge the exemplary work of a trainee presenting psycho-oncology research and to promote the dissemination of information related to psychosocial care.

    We are pleased to announce that Bryan Gascon is our 2024 winner for his paper titled: Two-step screening for depression and anxiety in patients with cancer: A retrospective validation study using real-world clinical data.

    Bryan is a 3rd year student in the MD-PhD program at the University of Toronto. Prior to the MD-PhD program, Bryan completed a MSc degree in cancer psychiatry research with Dr. Madeline Li, where he studied the impact of distress screening programs on health outcomes in patients with cancer. Bryan is currently completing his MD-PhD in health systems research, where he aims to use implementation science approaches to advance global oncology programs in low- and middle-income countries.

    Bryan presented his paper at the CAPO Conference in June, 2024.

  • 16 May 2024 10:59 AM | Deleted user

    nullDr. Gilla Shapiro is a Psychologist and Clinician Scientist at the Department of Supportive Care, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and an Assistant Professor (Status-Only) at the Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Medical Science, and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Cambridge and her dual-degree Master of Public Administration and Master of Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Hertie School of Governance. After completing a PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology at McGill University, she pursued a clinical research fellowship in Psychosocial Oncology at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. READ MORE HERE

  • 16 May 2024 10:55 AM | Deleted user
    nullSylvie Lambert, RN, PhD is Associate Professor and Associate Director of Research at the Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University; and Scientist at the St. Mary’s Research Centre, Montreal. Sylvie is also the recipient of a CIHR Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in self-care and illness self-management support interventions. In this position, the objectives of her research programs include: 1) developing and evaluating low-cost self-care and illness self-management interventions that are sustainable to enhance translation in practice, 2) implementing real-world patient-reported outcome (PRO) and caregiver-reported outcome (CRO) screening programs, 3) adapting evidence-based self-management interventions to the needs of patients from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and their caregivers, and 4) using advanced psychometric approaches for improving the precision and efficiency of outcome evaluations. One of Dr Lambert’s key study is TEMPO, which stands for a tailored web-based self-management and physical activity program for men with prostate cancer and their caregivers. READ MORE HERE
  • 16 May 2024 10:53 AM | Deleted user
    nullAndréa Maria Laizner, RN, PhD is a Nursing Practice Consultant for Research in the Nursing Directorate of the McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She is an Assistant Professor (part-time) in the Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University as well as is an Associate Investigator in the Cancer Research Program of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre. Her vast career in nursing, both in academic hospital settings and in the community, sparked a life-long interest in psychosocial oncology, clinical practice, education, administration and research. As a result, she mentors students, nurses and other clinicians in research related activities and knowledge translation. Believing in networks, her collaborations focused on family functioning, comfort and symptom management in vulnerable populations, using different interventions such as providing information and/ or stress reduction strategies either in-person, via information booklets or via web-based applications or the Opal patient-facing app. READ MORE HERE
  • 18 Apr 2024 12:19 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    @CAPO_ACOP LAST TWO DAYS to save on Conference registration - Early Bird pricing ends tomorrow - April 19th.,  11:59 ET


    Early bird pricing:

    $700 - Regular Member - Early Bird

    $825 - Non-Member - Early Bird

    $850 - Non-Member Join & Go - Early Bird

    $450 - Student Member - Early Bird

    $525 - Student Non-Member - Early Bird

    $510 - Student Non-Member Join & Go - Early Bird

    $450 - Patient Advocate Member - Early Bird

    $525 - Patient Advocate Non-Member - Early Bird

    $530 - Patient Advocate Non-Member Join & Go - Early Bird


  • 25 Mar 2024 4:52 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    2024 Current Oncology Student Travel Award

    The Current Oncology Student Travel Award is established by Current Oncology to acknowledge the exemplary work of a trainee presenting psycho-oncology research and to promote the dissemination of information related to psychosocial care.

    This annual CAPO award has been developed in partnership with Current Oncology to honour a CAPO student member who has demonstrated excellence in their submission of an original paperThis award will be given annually to coincide with CAPO’s Annual Conference. 

    This award is open to students and may reflect one or more of either clinical practice, education or research in psychosocial oncology.  

    The recipient of the award will receive $1000.00 to assist with travel to the CAPO Conference. The winner will be asked to present the paper at the conference and registration fees will be waived. 

    Procedures and Eligibility: 

    • The applicant must be a current member in good standing of CAPO at the time of the application;
    • The applicant must be registered as a full-time or part-time student (undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate levels) or within six months of completion of their schooling;
    • The recipient of the award must agree to be present at the annual CAPO Conference with a 15-minute presentation of their paper;
    • The recipient of the award must agree to submit their paper for peer-review in Current Oncology to be published if accepted (i.e., the paper cannot have been published elsewhere). Publication fees will be waived.

    The Awards Committee of the CAPO Board will select a recipient from the applicants based on scores and recommendations from the reviewers. If no suitable applicants are chosen, no award will be given. 

  • 21 Mar 2024 9:20 AM | Deleted user

    Abstracts are due by 11:59 PST, April 5, 2024

    The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) is accepting abstracts for posters for the 39th Annual Conference to be held in Calgary, Alberta from June 6 to 7, 2024. The conference will not be offered virtually this year.

    The CAPO 2024 Scientific Committee will select abstracts for additional posters by April 26, 2024. The submitting author will receive an email with the decision. If a primary author cannot attend the conference, that author should assign a replacement. The scientific committee reserves the right to reallocate abstracts as necessary. All presenting authors must register for the conference.
    For abstract-related inquiries, please contact [email protected]



  • 11 Mar 2024 4:46 PM | Deleted user

    The spirit and intent of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology is to have Board representation across many disciplines, while also considering a national and regional composition, to further support our vision and mission.

    The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) promotes an equitable, diverse, inclusive, accessible, and culturally safe environment for all members to feel welcomed, valued, and integrated. CAPO ensures that all voices are heard.

    We have openings for five (5) positions to be filled in this years election for the 2024 - 2026 term. The board endeavours to ensure that a balance of disciplines is filled to meet the current needs of the organization. With our most recent bylaw amendments approved at a special meeting of our members, we are pleased to open a second position as a Director for a patient/family representative starting this term.

    Nominations are being sought from the following fields:
    • Rehabilitation Services, Member at large, Spiritual/pastoral Care, Medicine, Patient/family, Psychology, Social Work, Nursing
    Our particular interest is in seeking members to represent rehabilitation, spiritual/pastoral care and member at large


  • 16 Jan 2024 5:20 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    2024 Current Oncology Student Travel Award 

    The deadline to submit is March 25, 2024
    The Current Oncology Student Travel Award is established by Current Oncology to acknowledge the exemplary work of a trainee presenting psycho-oncology research and to promote the dissemination of information related to psychosocial care.

    This annual CAPO award has been developed in partnership with Current Oncology to honour a CAPO student member who has demonstrated excellence in their submission of an original paperThis award will be given annually to coincide with CAPO’s Annual Conference. 

    This award is open to students and may reflect one or more of either clinical practice, education or research in psychosocial oncology.  

    The recipient of the award will receive $1000.00 to assist with travel to the CAPO Conference. The winner will be asked to present the paper at the conference and registration fees will be waived. 

    Procedures and Eligibility: 

    • The applicant must be a current member in good standing of CAPO at the time of the application;
    • The applicant must be registered as a full-time or part-time student (undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate levels) or within six months of completion of their schooling;
    • The recipient of the award must agree to be present at the annual CAPO Conference with a 15-minute presentation of their paper;
    • The recipient of the award must agree to submit their paper for peer-review in Current Oncology to be published if accepted (i.e., the paper cannot have been published elsewhere). Publication fees will be waived.

    The Awards Committee of the CAPO Board will select a recipient from the applicants based on scores and recommendations from the reviewers. If no suitable applicants are chosen, no award will be given. 

    Submit an original paper/manuscript by March 25, 2024 that is no more than 4000 words for an original article or review and 2500 words for a case report in length (12-point font and double spaced, excludes tables/references).


  • 16 Jan 2024 4:06 PM | John Chagnon (Administrator)

    Call for award nominations now open

    CAPO is committed to fostering and encouraging interdisciplinary excellence in psychosocial research education and clinical practice in oncology. To recognize achievements in the advancement of psychosocial oncology, the organization offers several awards programs. For further information about CAPO Awards Programs please contact Peter Traversa at [email protected].

    Deadline for nomination submissions is April 12, 2024.

The Canadian Association of
Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO)

189 Queen Street East, Suite 1
Toronto, ON M5A 1S2
P. 416-968-0207
[email protected]

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